*CSS stands for cascading style sheets
*CSS is the language we use to style a webpage....i.e it is used to put style into a html structure.......it describes how the elements of a HTML page are displayed on the screen.
*There are 3 types in which we can implement CSS in HTML: 1. Inline 2. Internal 3. External
Inline CSS: It is used to apply a unique style for a single element. To use inline styles, add the style attribute to the relevant element
~Inside the style attribute any CSS property can be there.
~Inline CSS has the highest priorty among inline, internal, and external CSS.
-> Internal CSS: It may be used to if one HTML page has
~The internal css is defined inside the style element inside the head section.
->External CSS: With an external sytle sheet you can change the look of an entire website by changing just one file.
~Each HTML page must include an reference to the external style sheet inside the link element inside the head section.
~An external style sheet must be saved by ".css" extension