This was first HTML class, in it we had learned some really simple html tags to start with our HTML journey.
ViewThis was our second HTML class and in it we had learned the horizontal row tag and the image tag.
ViewThis was our fourth class in it we had learned about the center tag and the dir attribute.
ViewThis was our fifth class in it we had learned about the Bold tag, Italic tag, Underline tag.
ViewThis was our sixth class in it we had learned about the break row and horizontal row tags.
ViewThis was our seventh class in it we had learned the superscript and the subscript tags.
ViewThis was our eighth class in it we had learned about the image tag and its font_attributes.
ViewThis was our ninth class in it we had learned about the Abbreviation tag and the Anchor tag.
ViewThis was our tenth class in it we had implemented all the tags that we had learned in our previous classes.
ViewThis was our eleventh class in it we had learned about the Caption tag, Table tag and the tags that come under it i.e table row tag, table heading tag, table data tag.
ViewThis was out twelfth class in it we had learned about the mark tag and the strike tag.
ViewThis was our fourteenth class, in it we had practiced the table tag and made our timetable.
ViewThis was our fifteenth class in it we had learned about the rowspan and colspan attribute of the table tag
ViewThis was our seventeenth class and in it we had learned about embedding things inside the webpage.